Traditional acupuncture for holistic healing
Do you suffer from chronic tension type headaches which are relieved temporarily by western medication? Try traditional acupuncture. Come to Sue Church Acupuncture if you are in Reading and surrounding areas.
After considering carefully your health history, fine needles are inserted into your body’s “energy” channels and unblock the area of tension which can be the root cause of many health issues. The needles are left in from 20 to 40 minutes. They can help balance, calm and relax you in body, mind and spirit.

Acupuncture and shiatsu can help you manage:
I am inspired by Master Kiko Matsumoto in both shiatsu and acupuncture. Japanese acupuncture helps with balancing the immune system, structural, nerve and many other types of imbalances in the body. I also use thread moxibustion, intradermal needles and magnets to help my clients manage their health issues. Contact me today.